Hawkweed is a broadleaf weed commonly found in turf grass. There are two different colors of Hawkweed, yellow flowering and orange flowering. The flowers of this broadleaf plant grow in clumps. The foliage is the same in both plants, the only difference is the color of the flowers. The leaves of Hawkweed are similar in appearance to that of the dandelion. The flowers of this plant are completely different in shape and size compared to the dandelion. The dark green leaves of this plant are slender and hairy. The petals of this flower are long and slender with teeth like ends. This serrated tip on the flower petals helps identify this weed. This plant reproduces by seed, stolons and rhizomes.
Hieracium Pratense
Treat this plant with a selective broadleaf herbicide when the plant is actively growing. Multiple applications may be required to treat this weed.